Art on Screen



Artists: Balkan Karışman & Maotik, Can Büyükberber & Trudy Elmore, Meltem Şahin & George Wylesol, Ozan Türkkan & Claudia Larcher, Sırma Doruk & Julie Nymann, RAW & Kuflex

Mixer is preparing another online exhibition called “Art on Screen” focusing on video art from June 25th to August 16th. During these times where our daily routines as well as our social lives all restricted within phone or computer screens, a huge portion of our digital habits have also changed. Yet, artists have been using digital materials to express themselves since the 1960s and producing works that can reach us through our screens. Good morning Mr. Orwell by Nam June Paik, a simultaneous TV broadcast in New York (WNET TV) and Paris (Center Pompidou) on the New Year's Eve of 1984 reached 25 million viewers in the whole world. Many artists like John Cage, Joseph Beuys, Allen Ginsberg, and Merce Cunningham performed in this program which was presented by George Plimpton. In the TV Garden work (1974-1977), Paik dreamed of a future in which technology was a part of natural life. When we look at our lives today, we see that technology and screens are now an inseparable part of our lives.

Mixer brings together a video selection of six artists from Turkey and six artists from different parts of the world invited by them. The computer-generated works meeting with the audience through screens, witness this period of contact through online networks and lack of interaction with the outside world. It enters into our homes through the screen and offers the possibility of creating new manners of thinking. Art on Screen will be available for visit through the website after the opening speech that will be broadcasted live on Youtube on June 25th, Thursday. The talk series that will be conducted alongside the exhibition will offer the chance to share the creation process of the artists’, the history of video art as well as the tools and diplay methods included in this process.

Art On Screen exhibition which will take place between June 25 and August 16 at Mixer’s website will focus on the presence of screens in our lives and the ways in which technology reconstructs the conditions of modern-day.