Green Mold


Green Mold

18.01.2019 - 23.02.2019

 Mixer hosts the exhibition ‘Green Mold’ that presents between January 18- February 23 2019. In this exhibition where the audience becomes an investigator, the artists’ works appear as a found object that came from past to present day.

The discussions about writing the history of art and the topic of objectivity on valuation have always existed. The situation is valid for the artworks and also for an archaeological finding. As a living process; historiography is quite open to manipulation. This situation brings the question of ‘who decides the value of an artist or an artwork?’ The inspirational base of the exhibition is about ongoing research on the unfinished artwork called the ‘Battle of Anghiari’ by Leonardo Da Vinci’s on the wall of Palazzo Vecchio’s Hall of 500 (Salone dei Cinquecento) in Florence using the sfumato technique in 1505. In 1565, the Medici Family orders the painting ‘Battle of Marciano’ from Vasari for the same hall which is related to the conquest of Sienna. Vasari builds a protecting wall to preserve the work of Da Vinci whom he respected much, leaving a message : ‘seek and you shall find’ (cerca trova) on a flag on his artwork. Nowadays, reaching the artwork behind the wall is only possible with the help of technology. There has been a long discussion about the value of each work and which one should be preserved. Inspiration for the name of the exhibition comes from the ‘green mold’ metaphor from Emre Zeytinoğu’s article ‘New Popularization in Art’, the passage in Walter Benjamin’s book Passagenwerk  ‘A green mold on a bronze work’s chemical analysis can be used to prove its authenticity and origin.’ The exhibition questions which artwork is the genuine one ; the one under the mold or the one that exists with the mold. ‘Green Mold’ offers an experience of an archaeological excavation to its audience, puts them in the position of an investigator and makes its audience a part of the creation of historiography.


Bilal Yılmaz, Eda Aslan, Deniz İkizler, Gökçe İrten, Giuseppe lo Schiavao, Horasan, Nergiz Yeşil, Sami Aslan, Sırma Doruk, Sinan Logie


Otoperformans | Self-performance by Deniz İkizler

18 January, 20:00

The work titled Self-performance by Deniz İkizler combines the previous performances with a single performance and acts with an idea that it transforms into an installation. While bringing these two types of art together, the artist also takes care of the next chapters of the time a video and photographed performance art first meets the audience. In this way, it offers multiple viewpoints by combining each layer of Self-performance into video, photography and installation, and presenting each layer of its performance to the audience. While focusing on the the quality of self-performance, she questions which is the main performance; the one audience is watching now or the previous performance.

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