Interview: Işıl Eğrikavuk
Işıl Eğrikavuk, 06.03.2016 (2016)
archival pigment print, 75x110 cm, ed. 5+2 AP.
You often give a focus on cultural codes and political messages in your works. When we look from this angle, what do we see in the photograph that you will show in Printed’16? Can you talk about the story of your work?
My work’s name at Printed’16 exhibition is 06.03.2016. This photograph has been taken on March 6th, while the jointing ceremony of
the 3rd Bosphorus Bridge. You can see the ceremony which is continuing at the back. This is a critical work on Turkey’s absurd decisions over water politics. After all, it’s a photography that I fictionalise by thinking of notions like; the 3rd bridge, jointing of two continents by force, human trade, attachment etc.
You often create art through performances. How do you explain the relationship between your photographs and your performances?
Actually every photograph is a performance, but for my performances; I think about the story at first; for the photographies I first think on the image. So I don’t need to tell the whole story, I think about it as a single image, it tells itself.